The Beck's Green Box Project was a unique international cultural commissioning programme, taking art out of the confined space of the gallery and placing it on the street for the public. As the first global virtual gallery, it employed cutting-edge augmented reality technology to explore a new medium and form of public display through a programme of high calibre artists and work.
From early July 2011, Kate MccGwire's digital installation Corvidae was on show at Prospect Park in Brooklyn, New York. Corvidae only appeared as a digital manifestation when viewed at the correct coordinates through the Beck's Green Box App on your phone. At first the weightless form seemed restful, until at second glance the sculpture started to seethe and undulate in the direction of the flow of the feathers, coiling around itself, breathing ever so gently. Animated through contemporary technology the piece itself seems like an analog mirage, one which bristles with a visceral, animal power.
CORVIDAE (Colour Test)
CORVIDAE (Angle Experiments)